I overall enjoyed the class. I liked that it was not a restrictive environment
because sitting in a class over two hours is long. I liked that we met at different locations because a majority of the places
I had not been to. Some of the things we did as a class I would have not done on my own or thought of doing. It was great
meeting poeple that I would have not had the opportunity of meeting such as Jean Whitehorse etc.
I enjoyed reading a vast amount of childrens books. Reading such a huge collection
of stories has broadened my view. It was surprising how useful the information that is already being taught to young children
was to me. I was glad that we were emphasizing on the postive material and not the negative. In doing so I have learned
so much on Native American culture that I thouhgt I had already knew. It was great that I learned so much about Navajo stories
that I had not been told by family members. I enjoyed sharing the things that I read and learned from class and fellow
students with family.
Not only did I learn about Native American culture but how Non-Native Americans
are effected. Such as if they would like to learn about Native American they have to be told and given the right information.
It was interesting that as adults we are still learning how to appreciate one another.
A few times during our course I was not sure if I could complete some of the assignments
such as the web page and the Kids College. I am glad that I took this class because I learned how to build my own page, which
I would never done on my own. I also would have never thought of telling a story to a group of kids I did not know.
This class has helped me with skills such as communication and cullture sensitivity
that I will use now and in the future. I think I deserve an A. Some things may not be perfect but I did my best, enjoyed
the class and learned from it.