Native American Children Literature

Booklist 31-40

Booklist 1-10
Booklist 11-20
Booklist 21-30
Booklist 31-40
Booklist cont.
Author/Illustrator Celebration
Book Sale
Final Reflection

The Hogan-The Traditional Navajo Home by Scott Thybony

This book is an explanation of the three types/Styles of Navajo Hogans, what it represents, how it is built and some history. Very simple and short book.

 Kinaalda- A Navajo Girl Grows Up by Monty Roessel

This book is about a girls transition into a woman. It also talks about the background story and history of the Kinaalda.

The New Oxford Picture Dictionary by E.C. Parnwell

            This book is a picture dictionary that translates Navajo and English words. It is good because it has a variety of everyday situation such as a visit to the hospital, grocery store, occupations etc. The only critique is some words are defined the same when they are not.


Na’ahoohai/Chi’I by Title VII Trainees

            It is a short story about a hen making corn bread. She asks her friends to help but they are too lazy so in the end they don’t get to eat the bread with her. The only thing I would critique is some of the words are not translated correctly into Navajo. Only in Navajo.


Baby’s First Laugh Illustrated by Beverly Blacksheep

            This is a picture book about a family trying to make the baby laugh. In English and Navajo.


Baby’s Learns to Count Illustration by Beverly Blacksheep

            This is a picture book about a baby girl learning how to count using various objects around the house. In English and Navajo.


Chiilgai, Na’nilkaadii- White Nose the Sheep Dog by Marjorie W. Thomas Illus. Rudy E. Begay

            An easy story about a puppy that is found by a family then grows up to become a sheepdog. In English and in Navajo.


 Dibe Lizhini Jiliigo Bee Shanah Idli- Proud to Be a Blacksheep by Roberta John Illus. Keith Smith

            This is a very good story of a girl, Shundeen, and her grandparents. While on a school break with her grandparents she learns about her clan and become proud to be a Blacksheep.


Turkey and Giant- Tazhi doo Ye’iilbahi by Nedra Emery Illus. Verna Clinton

            This is a short story about Turkey being captured by Giant and has to figure out a way to escape. The illustration is sort of creepy but it still is good. In Navajo and English.


Ashkii’s Journey written & illus. by Verna Clinton

            A story about a boy, Ashkii, and his journey to becoming a man. It also gives some history about his childhood and Ashkii hunting. All in English but there are a few words in Navajo.