Native American Children Literature
Book Sale
Booklist 1-10
Booklist 11-20
Booklist 21-30
Booklist 31-40
Booklist cont.
Author/Illustrator Celebration
Book Sale
Final Reflection

These are a few of the books I enjoyed the most.

Ashkiis Journey by Verna Clinton
Proud to Be a Blacksheep by Roberta John Illus. Keith Smith Tans. Peter A. Thomas
Red is Beautiful-Chiih Nozhoni by Roberta John Illus. Jason David Trans. Peter A. Thomas
      I enjoyed reading these books because it reminded me of my childhood. I liked the illustrations and writings in all of them. I was not offended by any of the images or language used in the books. I thought it was great that the writers and illustrators are Navajo because it puts a realistic aspect and background to the story. They all have lived on the reservation, are educated and want to give back to children the gift of education.  All the books are from Salina Bookshelf.

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