Colors of the Navajo by Emily Abbink
The book relates colors to Navajo history, ceremonies, food etc. I think that it is good because it tells how to pronounce
the words and enjoyable. In English but there are a few words in Navajo.
North American Indian Stories
The book tells stories from various northern tribes across the United States. It is about astronomy
stories and how it relates to their customs. All in English.
Brave New World by Alexis Huxley
This is a novel about a young Native American man who lived on the reservation but is taken to a city. It is based
in the future and is not sensitive to Native American culture but it is a great book because it questions what would happen
to Natives and people in general in the future. English.
Fools Crow- James Welch
This is a novel about a young Native American man and his journey through life in the late 1800’s in Montana. English.
Ts’aa-The Navajo Ceremonial Basket
by Chinle Curriculum
It explains the origin of the Navajo basket, history, how it made, and what it is used for, basically its overall importance.
Both in English and Navajo.
Red is Beautiful-Chiih Nizhoni by Roberta John
Illus. Jason David
A story about a girl who is teased by her peers because of her dry skin. Her grandmother helps her by giving her a
plant that acts as a lotion. She grows up to make products from that plant. In English and Navajo.
Day and Night- Ji doo Tlee’ by Nedra Emery
Illus. Verna Clinton
This book is about the origin of night and day by the night and day animals playing a shoe game. In English and Navajo.
Nihitsiigha by Elizabeth Dickey Illus. by
Stephanie DeGeorge
A short description of a families different hairstyles. Only written in Navajo but it is easy to understand the meaning.
Navajo Long Walk by Joseph Bruchac. Illus. by
Shonto Begay
This book explains the history of the Navajo Long Walk. It is very good about explaining the history of the Navajo
before, during and after the long walk. It is in English there are Navajo words but it is translated.
Grandfather Stories of the Navajo by Sydney
M. Callaway, Gary Witherspoon and others. Illustrated by Hoke Denetsosie and Clifford Beck, Jr.
This book was about stories, legends, folktales and reasons to how the Navajo live. It basically is stories that the elder
tell to their children and grandchildren to teach them values and morals but also stories for entertainment.