Native American Children Literature

Booklist 11-20

Booklist 1-10
Booklist 11-20
Booklist 21-30
Booklist 31-40
Booklist cont.
Author/Illustrator Celebration
Book Sale
Final Reflection

Navajo Coyote Tales

       Coyote stories that will be great to read during the winter time.

Navajo Herbology and Navajo Psychology & Herbology by Grey Hills  Academy

       Explains the use of plants and there importance to Medicine Men. It is also about Navajo psychology. It explains how tradtional and spritual Navajos view psychology mentally and physically.

Chronology of Navajo History (A.D.) by Navajo Nation Close-Up Program 1997 Ed.

       Timeline of Navajo hisotry and events beginning from 500-1400 A.D. to 1999.

Navajo Oral History: The Haajiinei

       This is about the origin of how the Navajos came into the fourth world and what the four worlds are and represent.

Dine Male Role in Society by Carl Todacheene and Lula M. Begay

       This was a brief explanation in a collection of information on Navajos. It explains the Navajo male role in socirty such as discipline, responsibilities etc.

Monster Slayer & Born for the Water-Sons of Changing Woman by Lula M. Begay

        It is the story of how the twin boys become legendary heroes to the Navajo poeple.

Dine Women Role in Society by Lula M. Begay

       Like the male explanation the females are also given certain responsibilites. The woman are importance for all around beauty such as harmony, love, wisdom and leadership.

"Hooghan Haz' Aagi Bohoo' Aah (The Learning of Which Pertains to the Home) by Chester D. Hubbard

       Explanation about the teaching of the home cooking, ceremonies such as Kinaalda and everyone in the homes family roles and responsibilites.

From the Belly of My Beauty by Esther Belin

         Collection of peoms by Esher Belin who is of the Navajo tribe but was raised on and off the reservation. Her thoughts and feeling about Native Americans.

Oral History Stories of the Long Walk-Hweeldi Baa Hane

        Collection of oral stories passed down from generation to relatives who experienced the Long Walk.


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